收入与支出表,所入与支出表 statement of revenues and expenditures推销与管理费用表 statement of selling and administrative expenses资金来源运用表 statement of sources and application of funds,statement of sources
and disposition of funds股东权益表 statement of stockholders' equity,statement of stockholders'
investment,statement of stockholders' net worth盈余表 statement of surplus运用资本表,营运资金表 statement of working capital运用资本变动表 statement of working capital changes购货客户结单 statement to customers静态分析 static analysis静态比率 static ratio静态报表 static statement文具印刷 stationery and printing统计账户 statistical accounts统计图表 statistical chart统计控制 statistical control统计决策论 statistical decision-making theory统计分配 statistical distribution统计推论 statistical inference统计质量控制 statistical quality control统计数列 statistical series统计表 statistical tables统计法 statistics law法令限制 statute of limitation蒸汽成本 steam cost装卸费 stevedorage & cargo charges 语际翻译 版权所有
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