- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 损益表 statement of business operation
- 现金收付表 statement of cash receipts and disbursements
- 财务状况变动表 statement of changes in financial position
- 盈余变动表 statement of changes in surplus
- 财务状况表 statement of condition,statement of financial condition
- 成本与产量表 statement of cost and production
- 生产成本表 statement of cost of production
- 制造与销货成本表 statement of cost to manufacture and cost of goods sold
- 流动地位表 statement of current position
- 现金日计表 statement of daily cash
- 支出与保留数对核定经费比较表 statement of expenditures and encumbrance compared with appropriations
- 财务收益与费用表 statement of financial income and expenses
- 财务情况表 statement of financial operations
- 财务地位表,平衡表 statement of financial position,balance sheet
- 资金运用表 statement of funds and its application,statement of application of funds
- 损益表 statement of loss and gain,statement of profit and loss
- 营业费用表 statement of operating expenses
- 营业收入表,营业所入表 statement of operating revenue
- 变现清算表 statement of realization and liquidation
- 现金收付表 statement of receipts and disbursements
- 现金收付结存表 statement of receipts and disbursements and cash balance
- 资产负债表 statement of resources and liabilities
- 资力负担表 statement of resources and obligations
- 资金来源运用表,资金运用表 statement of resources and their application,statement of application of funds
- 预计所入与实际所入比较表 statement of revenue estimated and actual