研究发展 R & D,research & development随机,任意 random随机数 random number随机选样 random sample随机选样法 random sampling随机离势 random variation全距 range分级 ranking快速摊销,加速折旧 rapid amortization,accelerated depreciation费率基础 rate base贴现率 rate of discount股利率 rate of dividend汇兑率,兑换率 rate of exchange边际率,毛利率 rate of margin,rate of gross profit报酬率法(资本预算) rate of return method (of capital budgeting)周转率 rate of turnover报酬率定价法 rate-of-return pricing分等 rating比率 ratio比率分析 ratio analysis销货成本与营业费用对销货净额比率 ratio analysis cost of sale and operating expense to net
sale资本对流动负债比率 ratio of capital to current liability现金对流动负债比率 ratio of cash to current liability流动资产对资产总额比率 ratio of current asset to total asset流动负债对负债总额比率 ratio of current liability to total liability 语际翻译 版权所有
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