- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 收入,收据 receipt
- 现金收付表 receipt and disbursement statement,receipt and payment account
- 收付凭证 receipt and payment documents
- 收入分类帐 receipt ledger
- 收入凭单,收入传票 receipt voucher
- 应收款项,应收 receivable
- 收货报单 received report,receiving report
- 清算人,收受人 receiver
- 清算人现金帐 receiver's cash account
- 清算人借款证 receiver's certificate
- 收货部 receiving department
- 收货部费用 receiving department expense
- 收货费用 receiving expense
- 收入传票 receiving slip
- 收入凭单,收入传票 receiving voucher
- 相对账户 reciprocal account
- 认定 recognize
- 公积调节表 reconciliation of surplus
- 调节,调节表 reconciliation [statement]
- 调节银行存款账户 reconciling bank account
- 调节存货 reconciling inventory
- 重建 reconstruction
- 列册日期 record date
- 现金付出记录 record of cash disbursement
- 现金收入记录 record of cash receipt