- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 销货记录 record of goods sold
- 已记录成本 recorded cost
- 记录价值 recorded value
- 记录依据,记帐原始依据 recording medium
- 补偿 recoup
- 收回,补偿 recover
- 可收回成本 recoverable cost
- 可收回支出 recoverable expenditure
- 可补偿损失 recoverable loss
- 可收回价值 recoverable value
- 收回,回收 recovery
- 收回价值 recovery value
- 续生收益 recurrent income
- 续生损益 recurrent profit and loss
- 续生成本 recurring cost
- 非正式募股书,红鱼募股书 red-herring prospectus
- 赤字记录 red-ink entry
- 赎回 redemption
- 赎债基金,偿债基金 redemption fund,sinking fund
- 重贴现 rediscount
- 再分配成本 redistributed cost
- 分期递减折旧法 reducing instalment method (of depreciation)
- 余额式,报告式 reducing-balance form,report form
- 余额递减折旧法 reducing-balance method (of depreciation)
- 债务掉期费用 refinancing expense