- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 标准批量,经济批量 standard run quantity,economic lot size
- 标准单位率 standard unit rate
- 标准值(统计质量控制) standard value
- 标准工资率 standard wage rate
- 标准化会计 standardized accounting
- 标准化间接费率 standardized burden rate
- 固定成本 standby cost,fixed cost
- 应急设备 standby equipment
- 余股包购 standby underwriting
- 经常成本,固定成本 standing cost,fixed cost
- 经常费用单 standing expense order,standing order
- 主要货品,存料,纤维 staple
- 筹备成本,开办费 starting-load cost
- 设定资本,法定资本 stated capital
- 账面负债 stated liabilities
- 设定股值 stated value
- 报表,结单 statement
- 报表分析 statement analysis
- 报告式 statement form,report form
- 应付帐款清单 statement from creditors
- 表头 statement heading
- 客帐结单 statement of account
- 财产状况表,清算平衡表 statement of affairs
- 资金运用表 statement of application of funds
- 资产负债表,平衡表 statement of assets and liabilities,balance sheet