财产重估价盈余 surplus charge property reappraisal本年盈余 surplus for the year减股盈余 surplus from cancellation of stock合并盈余 surplus from consolidation赠地盈余 surplus from donated land赠股盈余 surplus from donated stock捐赠盈余 surplus from donation没收股本盈余 surplus from forfeited stock营业盈余 surplus from profit,earned surplus盈余资金 surplus fund非派股利之盈余 surplus not for dividend purpose固定资产涨价盈余 surplus on appreciation of capital assets经费余绌 surplus or deficit of appropriation岁计余绌 surplus or deficit of budget剩余收入,额外收入 surplus receipts盈余调节表 surplus reconciliation statement盈余准备,剩余准备 surplus reserve盈余表 surplus statement余款停止支用通知 surplus-fund warrant退保金,退保现值 surrender value,cash surrender value附加税 surtax公证费,检验费 survey fee承替公司 surviving company寿年曲线 survivor-life curve,mortality curve暂记帐 suspense account 语际翻译 版权所有
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