

充分条件    sufficient condition
年数加总折旧法    sum-of-the-year digit method (of depreciation)
汇总账户    summary account
已分配推销与管理费用汇总表    summary of applied selling and administrative expense
平衡表变动汇总表    summary of balance sheet changes
耗用零件成本汇总表    summary of cost of finished parts used
制成品成本汇总表    summary of cost of finished products
销货成本汇总表    summary of cost of goods sold
已分配制造费用汇总表    summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied
用料汇总表    summary of materials consumed
收料汇总表    summary of materials received
退料汇总表    summary of materials returned
废料坏料汇总表    summary of scrap and spoiled materials
损坏工作汇总表    summary of spoiled work
实际与已分配制造费用汇总表    summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense
汇总单    summary sheet
汇总表,总表    summary statement
现金收付汇总表    summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements
收入与支出汇总表    summary statement of receipts and expenditures
资力负担汇总表    summary statement of resources and obligations
杂项    sundry
杂项账户    sundry accounts
杂项资产    sundry asset
杂项债权人    sundry creditor
杂项债务人    sundry customer,sundry debtor
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