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中国土地房屋与建筑行业法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  (一)需要临时占用规划批准范围以外场地的;    (1) Need to temporarily occupy areas not covered by approved construction programs;
  (三)需要临时停水、停电、中断道路交通的;    (3) Need to temporarily cut off water and power supply or hold up traffic;
  (四)需要进行爆破作业的;    (4) Need to conduct blasting operations;
(一)拆迁当事人双方的姓名或者名称;    1. Names of the two parties involved in the demolition and re[];
(二)被拆迁房屋各使用人的姓名;    2. Names of the users of the house to be demolished;
对符合“布局集中、产业集聚、用地集约”要求的国家级开发区,优先安排建设用地指标。    ?National development zone conforming to the principle of ""concentrated placement, industrial agglomeration, intensive land use"" shall be given precedence while distributing construction land index.
重点监测各地新增建设用地、耕地减少和违法用地等情况,监测结果要向社会公开。    ?Newly-increased construction land, reduction of cultivated land and illegal land use shall be the focal monitoring item. The result of the monitoring shall be opened to the public.
在土地所有权和使用权争议解决前,任何一方不得改变土地利用现状。    No party shall change the status quo of the land before the disputes over ownership and use right are settled.
任何单位和个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。土地使用权可以依法转让。    No unit or individual is allowed to occupy, trade or illegally transfer land by other means. Land use right may be transferred by law.
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