- 香港公务员体系词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 人文学科研究所〔香港中文大学〕 Research Institute for the Humanities [Chinese University of Hong Kong]
- 研究成果 research output
- 中央预留研究课程研究生名额 research postgraduate central pool
- 研究生研究课程 research postgraduate course
- 研究课程研究生 research postgraduate student
- 研究讲座教授 research professor
- 研究生奖学金 research studentship
- 研究测验辅导中心 Research, Testing and Guidance Centre
- 以研究为主的课程 research-based course
- 生活营 residential camp
- 留宿幼儿中心 residential child care centre
- 寄宿学位;寄宿学额 residential place
- 寄宿学校 residential school
- 剩余听力;剩余听觉 residual hearing
- 共鸣器 resonator
- 教材编订工作小组〔目标为本课程〕 Resource Development Team [Target Oriented Curriculum]
- 失明学生辅导教学计划 Resource Help Programme for Blind Integrators
- 辅导教学服务 resource help service
- 辅导教材;学习数据 resource material
- 辅导教材津贴 resource material grant
- 《高级程度化学实验数据册》 Resource Materials on Advanced Level Practical Chemistry
- 《预防及处理学童自杀问题辅导教材套(小学适用)》 Resource Package on Student Suicide (for Primary School)
- 资源筹划小组委员会〔大学教育资助委员会〕 Resource Planning Sub-committee [University Grants Committee]
- 辅导教师 resource teacher
- 辅导教学服务 resource teaching service