- 香港公务员体系词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 注册 registration
- 注册组〔教育署〕 Registration Section [Education Department]
- 退步性言语 regressive speech
- 正规学校 regular school
- 常规支持模式 regular support mode
- 正规教师 regular teacher
- 受规管课程 regulated course
- 复康巴士服务 Rehabus
- 替假教师 relief teacher
- 宗教伦理教育资源索引 Religious and Ethical Education Resources Catalogue
- 宗教教育 religious education
- 修会学校联会 Religious Schools Council
- 宗教〔香港中学会考〕 Religious Studies [Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination]
- 宗教、伦理及性教育资源中心 Religious, Ethical and Sex Education Resources Centre
- 辅导班 remedial class
- 辅导教育 remedial education
- 辅导习作 remedial exercise
- 语文辅导课程 remedial language course
- 辅导课 remedial lesson
- 辅导计划 remedial programme
- 辅导服务;矫正服务 remedial service
- 辅导教师 remedial teacher
- 辅导教学 remedial teaching
- 重读生;留级生 repeater
- 重读率;留级率 repetition rate