- 香港公务员体系词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 暴雨警告系统 rainstorm warning system
- 随机分派学位 randomization of allocation
- 学生与面积的比率 ratio of pupils to space
- 教师与班级的比率 ratio of teachers to classes
- 教师与学生的比率 ratio of teachers to pupils
- 《理性道德》〔道德教育教材套〕 Rational Morality [moral education curriculum package]
- 雷芬氏渐进图形测验 Raven Progressive Matrices Test
- 黄丽文演讲奖 Raymond Huang Speech Prize
- 教授 reader
- 阅读奖励计划 reading award scheme
- 阅读教材 reading kit
- 书刊津贴 reading material grant
- 接受性语言 receptive language
- 小息 recess
- 计分法;计分准则 reckoner
- 嘉许典礼 recognition ceremony
- 认可的非学位资格 recognized non-degree qualification
- 认可的非本地院校;认可的非本地机构 recognized non-local institution
- 适用书目补编 recommended book list supplement
- 成绩表 record of achievement
- 经常拨款 recurrent funding
- 经常津贴;经常补助金 recurrent grant
- 延续教育 recurring education
- 红色暴雨警告 red rainstorm warning
- 参照学科 reference discipline
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