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兽药管理条例中英文对照    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)兽药,是指用于预防、治疗、诊断动物疾病或者有目的地调节动物生理机能的物质(含药物饲料添加剂),主要包括:血清制品、疫苗、诊断制品、微生态制品、中药材、中成药、化学药品、抗生素、生化药品、放射性药品及外用杀虫剂、消毒剂等。    (1) “Veterinary drugs” means substances (including medicated feed additives) used for prevention, treatment and diagnosis of animal diseases, or intended for regulation of the physiological functions of animals, mainly including sera, vaccines, diagnostic kits, probiotics, crude Chinese medicines, traditional Chinese medicine preparations, chemical pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, biochemical drugs, radioactive pharmaceuticals, ectoparasiticides and disinfectants.
(二)来自疫区可能造成疫病在中国境内传播的兽用生物制品;    (2) veterinary biologics that come from an epidemic area and may cause the spread of the epidemic disease within the territory of China;
(二)兽用处方药,是指凭兽医处方方可购买和使用的兽药。    (2) “Veterinary prescription drugs” means veterinary drugs purchased and used only by the prescription of a veterinarian.
(三)兽用非处方药,是指由国务院兽医行政管理部门公布的、不需要凭兽医处方就可以自行购买并按照说明书使用的兽药。    (3) “Veterinary non-prescription drugs” means veterinary drugs that are published as such by the administrative department for veterinary medicine of the State Council and can be freely purchased without the prescription of a veterinarian and used in accordance with the package leaflet.
(四)兽药生产企业,是指专门生产兽药的企业和兼产兽药的企业,包括从事兽药分装的企业。    (4) “Veterinary drug manufacturers” means enterprises exclusively or partly engaged in production of veterinary drugs, including the ones engaged in repacking of veterinary drugs.
(五)兽药经营企业,是指经营兽药的专营企业或者兼营企业。    (5) “Veterinary drug distributors” means enterprises exclusively or partly engaged in distribution of veterinary drugs.
(七)兽药批准证明文件,是指兽药产品批准文号、进口兽药注册证书、允许进口兽用生物制品证明文件、出口兽药证明文件、新兽药注册证书等文件。    (7) “Veterinary drug approval documents” includes the documents such as the approval number of a veterinary drug product, the Registration Certificate of Imported Veterinary Drugs, the import permission certificate for veterinary biologics, the document certifying exportation of a veterinary drug, and the Registration Certificate of New Veterinary Drugs.
强制免疫所需兽用生物制品,由国务院兽医行政管理部门指定的企业生产。    Veterinary biologics needed for compulsory vaccination shall be produced by enterprises designated by the administrative department for veterinary medicine of the State Council.
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