(六)新兽药,是指未曾在中国境内上市销售的兽用药品。 (6) “New veterinary drugs” means veterinary drugs that have not yet been placed on the market within the territory of China.兽药的标签和说明书经国务院兽医行政管理部门批准并公布后,方可使用。 No label and package leaflet of a veterinary drug may be used unless they are approved and published by the administrative department for veterinary medicine of the State Council.经批准可以在饲料中添加的兽药,应当由兽药生产企业制成药物饲料添加剂后方可添加。禁止将原料药直接添加到饲料及动物饮用水中或者直接饲喂动物。 No veterinary drugs that may be added in animal feed with approval may be added therein before being made into medicated feed additives by a veterinary drug manufacturer. Directly adding a bulk drug in animal feed or drinking water or directly administering such a drug to animals is prohibited.语际翻译 版权所有
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