- 药学名词英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 淀粉 Starch
- 脂蜡酸 Stearic acid
- 灭菌蒸馏水 Sterilized distilled water
- 灭菌白明胶溶液 Sterilized solution of gelatin
- 阿魏 Stinking assa
- 健胃散 Stomachic powder
- 健胃药 Stomachics
- 苏合香 Storax
- 曼陀罗叶 Stramonium leaves
- 撒布剂 Strewing powder
- 强发泡软膏 Strong blistering ointment
- 浓氨溶液(浓氨水) Stronger ammonia water (Strong solution of ammonia)
- 浓蔷薇水 Stronger rose water
- 溴化锶 Strontium bromide
- 碘化锶 Strontium iodide
- 水杨酸锶 Strontium salicylate
- 毒毛旋花素 Strophanthin
- 毒毛旋花子 Strophanthus seeds
- 番木鼈碱 Strychnine
- 盐酸番木鼈碱 Strychnine hydrochloride
- 硝酸番木鼈碱 Strychnine nitrate
- 硫酸番木鼈碱 Strychnine sulphate
- 皮下注射 Subcutemeous injection
- 栓酸 Suberic acid
- 升汞纱布 Sublimate gauze