- 药学名词英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 特效药 Specifica, specific remedy
- 鲸蜡 Spermaceti
- 香料 Spice
- 酒精 Spirit
- 洋茴香酒精 Spirit of anise
- 樟脑酒精 Spirit of camphor
- 氯仿酒精 Spirit of chloroform
- 肉桂酒精 Spirit of cinnamon
- 醚酒精(霍夫曼氏滴剂) Spirit of Ether (Hoffmann's drops)
- 硝基甘油酒精 Spirit of glyceryl nitrate
- 杜松子酒精 Spirit of juniper
- 熏衣草酒精 Spirit of lavender
- 柠檬酒精 Spirit of lemon
- 芥子酒精 Spirit of mustard
- 亚硝酸乙酯酒精(甜硝石精) Spirit of nitrous ether (Spirit of ethylnitrite)
- 肉豆蔻酒精 Spirit of nutmeg
- 薄荷酒精 Spirit of peppermint
- 肥皂酒精 Spirit of soap
- 钾肥皂酒精 Spirit of soft soap
- 绿薄荷酒精 Spirit of spearmint
- 海绵 Sponge
- 自愈 Spontaneous cure
- 海葱 Squill
- 锡酸 Stanmic acid
- 八角荷香实{大茴香) Star-anise