- 药学名词英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 缓泻药 Eccoprotics, purgatives
- 沸腾剂 Effervescences
- 沸腾柠檬酸镁 Effervescent magnesium citrate
- 沸腾硫酸镁 Effervescent magnesium sulphate Exsiccated magnesium sulphate
- 沸腾柠檬酸钾 Effervescent potassium citrate
- 沸腾散 Effervescent powder
- 沸腾磷酸钠 Effervescent sodium phosphate
- 沸腾硫酸钠 Effervescent sodium sulphate
- 缓泻沸腾散 Effervescent tartrated soda powder (Seiditz powder)
- 沸腾散 Effervesent powder
- 药蜀葵糖浆 Eibischsiruup
- 洋橄榄酸 Elaidic acid
- 接骨木花 Elder flowers
- 选择作用 Elective action, selective action
- 选择能力 Elective affinity, power of selection
- 糖饵剂 Electuaries
- 排泄 Elimination, excretion
- 甘草酏 Elixir of glycyrrhiza
- 催吐药 Emetics
- 盐酸吐根碱 Emetine hydrochloride
- 通经药 Emmenagogue
- 大黄素 Emodine
- 柔和软膏 Emollient ointment
- 柔滑茶 Emollient species
- 经验方法 Empirical method
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