- 药学名词英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 乙硫醇 Ethyl mercaptan
- 盐酸乙基玛非 Ethyl morphine hydrochloride (dionin)
- 戊酸乙酯 Ethyl valerianate
- 成油气(乙稀) Ethylene
- 桉叶油酚 Eucalyptol
- 古柯叶 Eucalyptus leaves
- 桉叶油软膏 Eucalyptus ointment
- 二羟可待因酮(欧可达) Eucodal
- 丁香油酚 Eugenol
- 桉树叶 Eukalyptusblatter
- 大载乳脂 Euphorbium
- 赋形药 Excipient vehicle
- 兴奋剂 Excitants, analeptics
- 祛痰药 Expectorants
- 实验方法 Experimental method
- 榨制巴旦杏仁油 Expressed oil of almond
- 珀s Exsiccated alum (Burnt alum)
- 干燥硫酸亚铁 Exsiccated ferrous sulphate
- 干燥硫酸镁 Exsiccated magnesium sulphate
- 干燥磷酸钠 Exsiccated sodium phosphate
- 干燥碳酸钠 Exsiccated sodlum carbonate
- 苦艾浸膏 Extract of absinthii (Extract of wormwood)
- 芦荟浸膏 Extract of aloes
- 睡菜浸膏 Extract of buck-bea
- 白浸膏 Extract of calamis