- 药学名词英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 苦杏仁酵素 Emulsin
- 鱼肝油乳剂 emulsion
- 杏仁乳剂 Emulsion of flmond
- 松节油乳剂 Emulsion of oil of terpentine
- 乳剂 Emulsions
- 皮中适用 Endermic application
- 麻黄碱 Ephedrine
- 盐酸麻黄碱 Ephedrine hydrochloride
- 皮上适用 Epidermic application
- 皮肤刺激药 Epispastics
- 脱毛药 Epliator, depliatories
- 麦角 Ergot
- 麦角碱 Ergotine
- 香精剂 Essence
- 八角茴香酒精(大茴香酒精) Essence of scar anise
- 醚 Ether
- 麻醉用酯 Ether for narcotic purposes
- 醚制三氯化铁酊 Ethereal tincture of iron
- 醚制祛痰菜酊 Ethereal tincture of lobelia
- 醚制穿心排草酊 Ethereal tincture of valerian
- 醋酸乙酯(乙酸乙酯) Ethyl acetate
- 氯乙烷 Ethyl chloride
- 氨基苯甲酸乙酯(阿奈司兜辛,本佐卡因) Ethyl ester of paramino benzoir acid (Ethyl aminobenzoate, benzocaine)
- 大风子油酸乙酯 Ethyl hydnocarpate
- 碘乙烷 Ethyl iodide