- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 准备时间 setup time
- 个别责任 several liability
- 股份 share
- 股票红利 share bonus
- 股本 share capital
- 股份 share of stock
- 共分收入,共分所入 shared revenue
- 共分税 shared tax
- 股东 shareholder,stockholder
- 运送 shipment
- 运送成本 shipment and delivery cost
- 承销,承销品 shipment inward,consignment inward
- 寄销,寄销品 shipment outward,consignment outward
- 发交分支店货品 shipment to branch office
- 运送成本 shipping and delivery cost
- 水陆运输,水陆运费 shipping and traffic
- 交运单 shipping order
- 运输用品 shipping supply
- 工厂间接费 shop burdern,facotry burden
- 工厂事务费 shop office expense
- 工作单,工厂通知单 shop order
- 工厂用品 shop supply
- 短少,空头(经纪商会计) short
- 空头账户(经纪商会计) short account
- 补进 short covering