- 会计学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 销货客户余额表 schedule of customers' balances in sales ledger
- 固定开支明细表 schedule of fixed charge
- 订定成本,标准成本 scheduled cost,standard cost
- 科学摊销法 scientific method of amortization
- 废料 scrap material
- 废料报单 scrap report
- 废料价值,残料价值 scrap value,salvage value
- 全检,审查 screening
- 临时收据 scrip
- 票据股利 scrip dividend
- 详核 scrutiny
- 季节变动 seasonal variation
- 证券价格稳定所需时间 seasoning
- 第二抵押 second mortgage
- 第二抵押债券 second mortgage bond
- 次级账户 secondary account
- 转手交易 secondary distribution
- 从债务 secondary liability
- 隐名合伙人 secret partner
- 秘密准备 secret reserve
- 分段式平衡表 sectional balance sheet
- 分段式 sectional form
- 分组分类帐 sectional ledger
- 长期价格 secular price
- 长期趋势 secular trend