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配备公务用枪时,由国务院公安部门或者省级人民政府公安机关发给公务用枪持枪证件。    When arming persons with guns for the discharge of official duties, the public security department under the State Council or the public security organ of a people's government at the provincial level shall issue to them certificates permitting them to hold guns for the discharge of official duties.
人民法院调查核实证据,可以进行勘验、检查、扣押、鉴定和查询、冻结。    When carrying out investigation to verify evidence, the People's Court may conduct inquest, examination, seizure, expert evaluation, as well as inquiry and freeze.
人民法院调查核实证据,可以进行勘验、检查、扣押、鉴定和查询、冻结。    When carrying out investigation to verify evidence, the People's Court may conduct inquest, examination, seizure, expert evaluation, as well as inquiry and freeze.
公安机关在查验时,必须严格审查持枪单位和个人是否符合本法规定的条件,检查枪支状况及使用情况;    When conducting inspection, the public security organs shall examine whether the units and individuals that hold the guns meet the qualifications as prescribed by this Law, and the condition and use of the guns.
通过上述途径通知时,对于被请求人已被引渡拘留的,应当同时告知提出正式引渡请求的期限。    When doing the notification through the above- mentioned channels, the time limit for sumitting a formal request for extradition shall be informed at the same time if the person has been detained for extradition as requested.
配置射击运动枪支时,由省级人民政府公安机关发给民用枪支持枪证件。    When equipping with sports guns, the public security organ of the people's government at the provincial level shall issue certificates permitting the holding of guns for civilian use.
公安机关在执行引渡强制措施时,应当告知被采取引渡强制措施的人享有上述权利。    When executing the compulsory measure for extradition, the public security organ shall inform that person of the above-mentioned right his is entitled to.
因被请求引渡人死亡、逃脱或者其他原因而无法执行引渡时,也可以向请求国移交上述财物。    When extradition cannot be executed for reasons of death or escape of the person sought or for other reasons, the property mentioned above may, all the same, be transferred to the Requesting State.
人民法院审理民事案件,除适用上述规定外,还可以予以训诫、责令具结悔过、收缴进行非法活动的财物和非法所得,并可以依照法律规定处以罚款、拘留。    When hearing civil cases, a people's court, in addition to applying the above stipulations, may serve admonitions, order the offender to sign a pledge of repentance, and confiscate the property used in carrying out illegal activities and the illegal income obtained therefrom.It may also impose fines or detentions as stipulated by law.
被害人对侵犯其人身、财产权利的犯罪事实或者犯罪嫌疑人,有权向公安机关、人民检察院或者人民法院报案或者控告。    When his personal or property rights are infringed upon, the victim shall have the right to report to a public security organ, a People's Procuratorate or a People's Court about the facts of the crime or bring a complaint to it against the criminal suspect.
不需要继续扣押的时候,应即通知邮电机关。    When it becomes unnecessary to continue a seizure, the post and telecommunications offices shall be immediately notified.
不需要继续扣押的时候,应即通知邮电机关。    When it becomes unnecessary to continue a seizure, the post and telecommunications offices shall be immediately notified.
在必要的时候,可以移送主要犯罪地的人民法院审判。    When necessary the case may be transferred for trial to the People's Court in the principal place where the crime was committed.
在必要的时候,可以指派或者聘请具有专门知识的人,在侦查人员的主持下进行勘验、检查。    When necessary, experts may be assigned or invited to conduct an inquest or examination under the direction of the investigators.
在必要的时候,可以指派或者聘请具有专门知识的人,在侦查人员的主持下进行勘验、检查。    When necessary, experts may be assigned or invited to conduct an inquest or examination under the direction of the investigators.
必要的时候,侦查人员也可以要犯罪嫌疑人亲笔书写供词。    When necessary, the investigators may also ask the criminal suspect to write a personal statement.
必要的时候,侦查人员也可以要犯罪嫌疑人亲笔书写供词。    When necessary, the investigators may also ask the criminal suspect to write a personal statement.
人民法院在必要的时候,可以查封或者扣押被告人的财产。    When necessary, the People's Court may seal up or distrain upon the property of the defendant.
必要的时候,人民检察院可以派人参加公安机关对于重大案件的讨论。    When necessary, the People's Procuratorate may send procurators to participate in the public security organ's discussion of a major case.
在必要的时候,也可以通知证人到人民检察院或者公安机关提供证言。    When necessary, they may also notify the witness to give testimony at the People's Procuratorate or public security organ.
在必要的时候,也可以通知证人到人民检察院或者公安机关提供证言。    When necessary, they may also notify the witness to give testimony at the People's Procuratorate or public security organ.
必要时,可以派专人驻厂对制造企业进行监督、检查。    when necessary, they may send their men specially to stay at the manufacturing enterprises for the purpose of supervision and inspection.
执行任务的公安人员在查验公民的居民身份证时,应当出示自己的工作证件。    When on-duty public security personnel examine citizens' resident identity cards, they shall produce their own service cards.
人民陪审员在人民法院执行职务,同审判员有同等的权利。    When performing their functions in the People's Courts, the people's assessors shall enjoy equal rights with the judges.
人民陪审员在人民法院执行职务,同审判员有同等的权利。    When performing their functions in the People's Courts, the people's assessors shall enjoy equal rights with the judges.
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