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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(一)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)托儿所、幼儿园、养老院、残疾人福利机构提供的育养服务,婚姻介绍,殡葬服务;    (1)?????? Nursing services provided by nurseries, kindergartens, rest homes and welfare institutions for the handicapped, matchmaking and funeral services;
(三)购买、出售的资产净额占上市公司最近一个会计年度经审计的合并财务会计报告期末净资产额的比例达到50%以上,且超过5000万元人民币。    (3) Net value of the assets purchased or sold accounts for not less than 50% of the net value of? the total assets at the year end in the audited consolidated statement of the last fiscal year of the listed company and exceeds RMB50 million.
19.备注    19. Notes:
19.备注    19. Notes:
新建和改造各类产业园区应当依法进行环境影响评价,并采取生态保护和污染控制措施,确保本区域的环境质量达到规定的标准。    ? New and reconstructed industrial parks of various types shall make an environmental influence assessment in accordance with law and take ecological-protection and pollution-control measures to ensure their environment quality meets provided standards.
新建、改建、扩建建设项目,必须符合本行政区域主要污染物排放、建设用地和用水总量控制指标的要求。    ? New, reconstruction or expansion projects shall meet the requirements of the control indexes of the discharge of main pollutants, construction land and total water supply volume for the administrative jurisdiction where they locate.
本法施行后新建的餐饮、娱乐、宾馆等服务性企业,应当采用节能、节水、节材和有利于保护环境的技术、设备和设施。    ? New-built service enterprise engaging in restaurant, entertainment and hotel after the implementation of the Law shall adopt technologies, devices and facilities that may save energy, water and materials and be conductive to protecting environment.
领证人姓名:?????????????????? 电话:    Name of Collector:?????????????????? Phone:
领证人姓名:?????????????????? 电话:    Name of Collector:?????????????????? Phone:
退(换)证人姓名:    Name of the Applicant for Return(replacement):
退(换)证人姓名:    Name of the Applicant for Return(replacement):
同一客户开立的资金账户和证券账户的姓名或者名称应当一致。    Names in capital account and securities account of the same customer should be the same.
未发表意见的董事应当单独列示其姓名。    Names of directors not giving any opinions shall be separately listed.
国家发展改革委    National Development and Reform Commission
不能借发放贷款之机搭销保险、基金等产品,不能附加不合理的贷款条件,不能变相收取不合理的费用。    No insurance, funds and other products may be sold when granting loans, no unreasonable loan conditions may be attached and unreasonable fees may not be charged.
对在2007年底以前用2007年度预分配利润进行再投资的,不给予退税。    No tax refund will be made for any re-investment, which was made with the to-be-distributed profit of the year 2007 before the end of 2007.
未经国务院证券监督管理机构批准,任何单位或者个人不得委托他人或者接受他人委托持有或者管理证券公司的股权。    No unit or individual can entrust others or being entrusted to hold or manage equity of the securities firm without approval of the securities regulatory agency under the State Council.
任何单位或者个人不得强令、指使、协助、接受证券公司以其证券经纪客户或者证券资产管理客户的资产提供融资或者担保。    No units or individuals shall force, incite, assist or accept the securities firm to provide financing or warranty with the assets of the securities brokerage customers or securities assets management customers.
国税发〔2008〕30号    No. 30 [2008] of the State Administration of Taxation
财务报表附注应当按照附件《基金管理公司财务报表附注编制的有关规定》的规定编制。    Notes to financial statements shall be prepared according to the attached Provisions on Preparing the Notes to Financial Statements of Fund Management Companies.
国家税务总局关于印发《企业所得税核定征收办法》(试行)的通知    Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Printing and Distributing the Measures for Verification Collection of Enterprise Income Tax (for Trial Implementation)
退(换)证份数:    Number of the Returned (replaced) License:
退(换)证份数:    Number of the Returned (replaced) License:
(一)证券公司的名称、住所;    (1)Name and [] of the securities firm;
(二)净资产低于实收资本的50%,或者或有负债达到净资产的50%;    (2)Net assets is less than 50% of the paid-in capital or contingent liability reaches 50%;
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