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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(一)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


1、 货币资金分别列示公司现金、银行存款和其他货币资金。其中需说明期末银行存款中有无短期拆入的大额款项,若有,分别披露此类款项性质和金额;说明期末银行存款有无使用受限制的情况,如冻结、封存等。若有,披露受限制的原因及金额。    (1) Monetary fund shall separately list cash, bank deposit and other monetary funds of the Company. In particular, it is required to state whether there are any large-sum short-term borrowings in its bank deposit at the end of the reporting period, if any, the Company shall make disclosure of the nature and amount of each sum. It is also required to state whether there is any restriction, like freezing or sealing up, on the use of its bank deposit at the end of the reporting period, if any, it shall make disclosure of the reasons and amount of restriction.
(二) 按照涉诉债权和涉诉债务分别披露报告期及上一年度发生诉讼、仲裁事项所涉及的总金额;    (2) make disclosure of separately the total amount involved in litigations and arbitrations happened in the reporting period and the previous year according to the litigation-related creditor's rights and litigation-related liabilities;
(三)医院、诊所和其他医疗机构提供的医疗服务;    (3)?????? Medical services provided by hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions;
二○○八年五月十二日    12-May-08
二○○八年三月六日    6-Mar-08
矿山企业在开采主要矿种的同时,应当对具有工业价值的共生和伴生矿实行综合开采、合理利用;对必须同时采出而暂时不能利用的矿产以及含有有用组分的尾矿,应当采取保护措施,防止资源损失和生态破坏。    ? Mining enterprises shall, while exploiting main mineral species, conduct a comprehensive exploitation and a proper use of commercially valuable associated minerals; with respect to minerals that have to be exploited at the same time while cannot be used currently and tailings containing useful components, they shall take protection measures to avoid resource waste and ecological destruction.
上市公司重大资产重组管理办法    Measures for Administration of Material Assets Reorganization of Listed Companies
企业所得税核定征收办法(试行)    Measures for Verification Collection of Enterprise Income Tax (for Trial Implementation)
商务部    Ministry of Commerce
商务部    Ministry of Commerce
商务部    Ministry of Commerce
财政部    Ministry of Finance
住房城乡建设部    Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
工业和信息化部    Ministry of Information Industry
铁道部    Ministry of Railways
监察部    Ministry of Supervision
交通运输部    Ministry of Transport
水利部    Ministry of Water Resources
(一)管理证券公司的财产、印章和账簿、文书等资料;    (ⅰ)Manage property, chop, account book, document, etc. of the securities firm;
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