- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 恒常所得假设 Permanent income hypothesis
- 排列矩阵 Permutation matrix
- 排列检定 Permutation test
- 永续年金 Perpetuity
- 皮尔生系数 Person coefficient
- 个人所得税 Personal income tax
- 访问调查 Personal interview
- 个人偏见模型 Personal-prejudice models
- 人事管理 Personnel administration
- 说服性广告 persuasive advertising
- 扰动技术 Perturbation technique
- 石油美元 Petrodollars
- 谱相图 Phase spectrum
- 菲利普曲线 Phillips curve
- 腓尼基人 Phoenicians
- 留声机 Phonograph
- 照相术 Photography
- 实验室的实物摆设 Physical layout of laboratory
- 生活质量指针 Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
- 医师市场 Physician markets
- 门诊 Physician visits
- 医师诱发需求 Physician-induced demand
- 重农主义 Physiocracy
- 重农学派 Physiocrats
- 罢工纠察队 Picketing