- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 专利 Patent
- 专利竞赛 Patent race
- 专利制度 Patent system
- 专利形成之参进障碍 Patents as barrier to entry
- 父权制度 Paternalism
- 路径 Path
- 径分析 Path analysis
- 依赖现有路径 Path dependence
- 径图 Path diagram
- 贸易型态 Pattern of trade
- 贫工论 Paupa labor arguments
- 功绩报酬 Pay for performance
- 随收随支制社会安全 Pay-as-you-go social security
- 还本期限法则 Payback period rule
- 受实验者的偿付方式 Payment policies for subjects
- 支付系统 Payment system
- 实物报酬 Payments in kind
- 优势报酬 Payoff dominance
- 报酬扰动 payoff perturbation
- 报酬转换 Payoff transformations
- 报酬 Payoffs
- 薪资税 Payroll tax
- 尖峰期 Peak period
- 尖峰定价法 Peak-load pricing
- 峰度 Peakness