- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 附加条款 Add-on clause
- 附加劳工 Additional workers
- 相加性一致性 Additive consistency
- 相加性干扰项 Additive disturbance
- 机率加法法则 Additive law of probability
- 可加模型 Additive model
- 可加性 Additivity
- 足够的配适 Adequacy of fit
- 可调整的钉住汇率 Adjustable Peg rate of exchange
- 浮动利率房贷 Adjustable rate mortgage (ARM)
- 调整后的判定系数 Adjusted coefficient of determination
- 调整后的杜宾模型 Adjusted Tobit model
- 调整问题 Adjustment problem
- 行政规范 Adminiatrative regulation
- 抬价型通货膨胀 Administered inflation
- 操纵价格 Administered prices
- 行政时差 Administration lag
- 税务行政 Administration of taxation
- 行政成本 Administrative cost
- 海商法 Admiralty
- 可容性 Admissibility
- 可容估计式 Admissible estimator
- 容许性测验 Admissible test
- 可容转换 Admissible transformations
- 收养 Adoption