- 经济学词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 吸收屏障 Absorbing barrier
- 支用学派 Absorption approach
- 吸收矩阵 Absorption matrix
- 吸收容量 Absorptive capacity
- 弃权;回避 Abstention
- 忍欲说 Abstinence theory
- 丰富要素 Abundant factors
- 竞争政策之滥用主义 Abuse doctrine in competition policy
- 优势地位的滥用 Abuse of dominant position
- 权利滥用 Abuse of right
- 加速折旧 Accelerated depreciation
- 加速失败时间模型 Accelerated failure time model
- 加速条款 Acceleration clause
- 加速膨胀假说 Accelerationist hypothesis
- 加速原理 Accelerator principle
- 承兑;承兑票据 Acceptance
- 承认准则;允收准则 Acceptance criterion
- 承兑商 Acceptance dealer
- 接受域 Acceptance region
- 承兑人 Acceptor
- 接续 Access
- 接续费 Access fees
- 进用率 Accession rate
- 意外保险 Accident insurance
- 意外损害保险 Accident insurance