- 海洋气象专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 阴极射线测向 cathode-ray direction finding
- 花菜云 cauliflower cloud
- 卡伐利风期 cavaliers
- 卡佛风 caver; kaver
- 云幂[高];舱底板;天花板;垫材 ceiling
- 云幂能见度无限 ceiling and visibility unlimited
- 云幂气球 ceiling balloon
- 云幂分类 ceiling classification
- 云幂高 ceiling height
- 云幂高指示器 ceiling height indicator
- 测云幂光;探云光 ceiling light
- 对流高度 ceiling of convection
- 云幂灯 ceiling projector
- 零云幂 ceiling zero
- 云高仪 ceilometer
- 波速 celerity; wave speed; wave velocity
- 天球赤道 celestial equator
- 天极 celestial pole
- 天球 celestial sphere
- 胞环流;电池;光电管电解池 cell
- 云胞轮廓 cell outline
- 环流胞说 cell theory
- 赛里尼晕 Cellini's halo
- 胞状环流 cellular circulation
- 胞状对流 cellular convection