- 海洋气象专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 峡谷风 canyon wind; gorge wind; ravine wind
- 帽状云 cap cloud
- 风沙含量 capacity of the wind
- 道格特角风 Cape doctor
- 毛细订正 capillarity correction
- 纹波 capillarity current
- 表面张力波 capillary ripple; capillary wave
- 发状云 capillatus
- 系留气球 captive balloon
- 捕获;渔获 capture
- 汽化蒸结冰 carburetor icing
- 卡生冷风 carcenet
- 四方位风 cardinal winds
- 加勒比海流 Caribbean current
- 滞后效度 carry-over effect
- 图示气候学 cartographical climatology
- 堡状[云] castellanus
- 壳冰 cat ice; rind ice; shell ice
- 猫鼻风 cat's nose
- 猫爪风 cat's paw
- 下滑锋 catafront; katafront
- 冷锋面 cataphalanx; kataphalanx
- 冷却率温度计 catathermometer
- 集水量;渔获物 catch
- 漂雪冰河 catchment glacier