- 船艺专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 锚标索 weighing line
- 水上仓库 wharfboat
- 报告目标方位{命令} where away
- 单滑车索 whip
- 定动组合滑车 whip and pendant; whip and tunner
- 单杆跳板装卸法 whip and skid system
- 扎绳头;拉绞吊货{卷在绞车旁边卷筒以手拉之} whipping
- [涂蜡]扎束麻线 whipping twine
- 防震索 whisker jumper
- 汽笛按钮 whistle controller
- 汽笛接索 whistle lanyard; whistle pull
- 白麻絮 white oakum
- 白麻绳 white rope
- 宽阁间隔 wide berth
- 操舵不稳;舵机系统故障 wild
- 威廉生掉头法 Williamson turn
- 因风阻滞 wind bound
- 舷窗风斗 wind catcher; wind scoop
- 顶风锚泊 wind rode
- 下手{机舱乙级船员} wiper
- 细钢丝绳 wire line
- 钢丝网 wire netting
- 钢索绊 wire nippers; wire stopper
- 托叉{叉形支架} wishbone
- 快松 with a run