- 船艺专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 桨向前 oars forward
- 平桨 oars; bank oars
- 桨手 oarsman
- 沿岸调抢;左右抢风 off and on
- 离开;斜逸 off sheer
- 法定航海日志 official log book
- 离岸钻油平台 offshore oil rig
- 油袋 oil bag
- 供油喷雾嘴 oil fire nozzle
- 雨衣 oilskins
- 敞通船楼 open bridge house
- 开口导缆架 open chock
- 开口接眼 open end socket
- 双链分开 open hawse; clear hawse
- 普通双锚泊;普通锚泊法 ordinary moor
- 海员常规 ordinary practice of seaman
- 出桨{口令} out oars
- 前后吃水不当 out of trim
- 追越 out-foot; overtaking; to overtake
- [接锚]链头短节 outboard shot; swivel piece
- 拉出索{拉帆向外} outhaul
- 在舷外安装 outrig
- 反手结 overhand knot
- 天花板 overhead
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