- 爱滋病相关词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- T淋巴细胞 T cells
- T辅助细胞 T4 cell
- 受感染的血液 tainted blood
- 试验性质的,暂时的 tentative
- 鹅口疮 thrush
- 定时炸弹 time bomb
- 巨大的危险 titanic peril
- 日趋严重 to be on the rise
- 以母乳喂哺 to breast-feed
- 防治此传染病 to contain the epidemic
- 抑制其蔓延 to contain the epidemic
- 告诫 to exhort
- 隐瞒真实身份 to mask a person's identity
- 赞赏 to praise
- 大相径庭 to stand in stark contrast to
- 遏止其扩散 to stem the spread of (HIV/AIDS)
- 患上/染上 to suffer from/ to be infected with/ to be afflicted with/ contract (the virus/AIDS)
- 求助于毒品 to turn to drugs
- 补药,滋补品 tonic(s)
- 贩毒者 traffickers
- 输血 transfusion
- 流动人口 transient population
- 传染/传播 transmission
- 结核菌素皮下测试 tuberculin skin test (TST)
- 肺结核 tuberculosis (TB)
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