- 药学名词英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 磷丸 Phosphorus pills
- 三氯化磷 Phosphorus trichloride
- 磷钨酸 Phosphotungstic acid
- 辟盐脑酸(苯二甲酸) Phthalic acid
- 苯二甲酐 Phthalic anhydride
- 生理氯化钠溶液(生理食盐水) Physiological solution of sodium chloride
- 水杨酸毒扁豆碱(水杨酸依巴林 Physostigmine salicylate (Eserine salicylate)
- 硫酸毒扁豆碱(硫酸依巴林) Physostigmine sulphate (Eserine sulphate)
- 苦味酸(三硝基酚) Picric acid (Trinitrophenol)
- 防己碱 Picrotoxine
- 丸剂 Pills
- 芦荟丸 Pills of aloes
- 芦荟铁丸 Pills of aloes and iron
- 亚砷酸丸(亚细亚丸) Pills of arsenous acid (Asiatic pills)
- 碳酸木溜油丸 Pills of creosote carbonate
- 碳酸亚铁丸 Pills of ferrous carbonate (Blaud pills)
- 金巫纳铁丸 Pills of iron and quinin
- 鸦片铅丸 Pills of lead with opium
- 盐酸毛果芸香碱 Pilocarpine hydorochloride
- 硝酸毛果芸香碱 Pilocarpine nitrate
- 松焦油 Pine tar
- 一氮陆圜 Piperidine
- 胡椒碱 Piperine
- 脑下腺 Pituitary gland
- 制硫酸钙(石膏,烧石膏,熟石膏) Plaster of Paris