长春花 Madagascar Periwinkle Herb磁石 Magnetite麦饭石 Maifanite补骨脂 Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit绵马贯众 Male Fern Rhizome麦芽 Malt暴马子皮 Manchurian Lilac Bark照山白 Manchurian Rhododendron Leaf赤袍子 Manchurian Tubergourd Fruit细辛 Manchurian Wildginger关木通 Manshurian Dutchmanspipe Stem桑螵蛸 Mantis Egg-case甜地丁 Manyflower Gueldenstaedtid Herb黄精 ManyflowerSolomonsealRhizome / Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome / King
Solomonseal Rhizome刺五加 Manyprickle Acanto-Panax Root紫花杜鹃 Mary Rhododendron Leaf and Twig荚果蕨贯众 Matteuccia Fern Rhizome马尾连 Meadowrue Root and Rhizome吴茱萸 Medcinal Evodia Fruit六神曲 Medicated Leaven明党参 Medicinal Changium Root川牛膝 Medicinal Cyathula Root巴戟天 Medicinal Indianmulberry Root诃子 Medicine Terminalia Fruit黄芪 Membranous Milkvetch Root / 语际翻译 版权所有
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