- 中草药药物中英文名称 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 黄芩 Baical Skullcap Root
- 大风艾 Balsamiferou Blumea Herb
- 竹茹 Bamboo Shavings
- 枸杞子 Barbary Wolfberry Fruit
- 半枝莲 Barbed Skullcap Herb
- 三棵针 Barberry Root
- 夜明砂 Bat Dung
- 熊胆 Bear Gall
- 牛大力 Beautiful Millettia Root
- 排钱草 Beautiful Phyllodium Twig and Leaf
- 路路通 Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit
- 颠茄草 Belladonna Herb
- 地肤子 Belvedere Fruit
- 安息香 Benzoin
- 牛黄 Bezoar
- 大叶紫珠 Bigleaf Beautyberry Leaf
- 辛夷 Biond Magnolia Flower
- 青礞石 Biotite Schist and Mica / Carbonate Schist by Chloritization
- 拳参 Bistort Rhizome
- 苦杏仁 Bitter Apricot Seed
- 苦竹叶 Bitter Bamboo Leaf
- 枳壳 Bitter Orange
- 白英 Bittersweet Herb
- 龙葵 Black Nightshade Herb
- 黑芝麻 Black Sesame
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