- 医疗器械翻译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 输精管分离钳 deferens separating forceps
- 延期,迟延 deferment
- 去纤颤 defibrillation
- 除纤颤器 defibrillator
- 除颤起搏器 defibrillator and pacemaker
- 除颤器电极 defibrillator electrode
- 带示波屏的除颤器 defibrillator with scope
- ①缺乏,不足 ②故障 deficiency
- ①定义,限定 ②清晰度 definition
- 确定的,决定的 definitive
- 快速燃烧,爆燃 deflagrate
- 暴烯匙 deflagrating spoon
- 暴燃器 deflagrator
- 放气,抽出空气,压缩 deflation
- 偏转,偏差 deflection
- 偏转放大器 deflection amplifier
- 偏转灵敏度 deflection sensitivity
- 致偏器,偏转器 deflector
- 反絮凝离心机 deflocculator
- 变形,失真 deformation
- 变形测定仪 deformeter
- 除霜系统(冷冻切片机用) defrost system
- 除霜 defrosting
- 脱气器 degasser
- 退化肌肉治疗器 degenerated muscles therapy apparatus