- 医疗器械翻译词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- ①眼 ②电动力 E (①eye ②electromotive force)
- 紫外线单位(紫外线照射有效生物剂量) E-viton
- 耳鼻喉科用钻 E. N. T. drill
- 耳鼻喉科治疗椅 E. N. T. treatment chair
- 耳鼻喉科综合治疗台 E. N. T. treatment unit
- 耳鼻喉 E. N. T.(ear, nose, throat)
- 电子 e.(electron)
- 心电示波器 e;ectrocardioscope
- 鹰嘴钳 eagle’s beak pliers
- 耳 ear
- 耳用鼓气球,中耳鼓气球 ear air bag
- 耳乳突凿 ear and mastoid chisel
- 耳涂药器,耳卷棉子 ear applicator
- 耳用鼓气球 ear blown ballon
- 耳用骨锤 ear bone mallet
- 耳探条 ear bougie
- 耳刷子 ear brush
- 洗耳槽 ear channel
- 耳刮匙 ear curette
- 耳用刮匙和卷棉子 ear curette and applicator
- 助听垫 ear cushion
- 耳扩张探条 ear dilating bougie
- 耳内张开器 ear dilator
- 滴耳剂 ear drops
- 耳用起子 ear elevator
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