- 制药机械名词术语 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 玻璃瓶输液异物半自动检查仪 semi-automatic impurity detecting machine for glass bottle infusion
- 半自动药用玻璃瓶清洗机 semi-automatic medicinal glass bottle cleaning machine
- 老年皮肤搔痒症 senile pruritus
- 老年人 senior
- 老人 senior
- 老人照顾 senior care
- 银发族 Seniors
- 平衡感 sense of balance
- 欣快感 sense of euphoria
- 传感器 sensor
- 分离机 separator
- 脓毒症 Sepsis
- 败血症 septicemia
- 血清素 serotonin
- 血清素加强剂 serotonin booster
- 性别 sex
- 性交 sex
- 性侵害 sex assault
- 性教育 sex education
- 性爱头痛 sex headache
- 性成熟 sex maturity
- 胎儿的性别 sex of fetus
- 性伴侣 sex partner
- 性疗法 Sex therapy
- 性虐待 sexual abuse