- 制药机械名词术语 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 补充剂 supplement
- 补充食品 supplement
- 补品 supplement
- 食品添加剂 supplement
- 营养补充剂 supplementary
- 栓剂崩解器 suppository disintegration tester
- 栓剂机械 suppository drug machinery
- 栓壳成形灌封机 suppository shell forming and filling-sealing machine
- 手术 Surgery
- 外科 surgery
- 外科手术 surgery
- 手术费用 surgery cost
- 幸存者 survivor
- 吊销执照 suspended licence
- 甜味剂 sweetener
- 甜剂 Sweeteners
- 游泳 swimming
- 游泳池 swimming pool
- 症状 symptom
- 遨磁痌 Syndrome X X
- 说明书折叠机 synopsis folding machine
- 糖浆配制罐 syrup toring and dispensing tank
- 狼疮性肾炎 systemic lupus erythematosus
- 系统性红斑狼疮 systemic lupus erythematous
当前第12页 共12页