- 精神病理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 梦行症,离魂病 Somnambulism ; Somnambulation ; Somnambulance ; Noctambulation ; Walking in sleep ; Hypnobatia ; Hypnobasis ; Paroniria ambulans ; Oneirodynia activa
- 梦呓 Somniloquence ; Somniloquism ; Somniloquy ; Talking druing sleep
- 梦的障碍,梦障 Somnium ; Dream
- 嗜眠症,病的嗜眠 Somnolence ; Drowsiness ; Sleepiness ; Lethargia ; Hypnopathy ; Hypnosia
- 迷睡 Sopor
- 遗精恐怖 Spermatophobia
- 上场晕,登士恐怖 Stage-fright
- 起立恐怖 Stasiphobia ; Stasibasiphobia
- 起行恐怖,立行恐怖 Stasobasiphobia ; Stasibasiphobia
- 梦中状态 State of dreaming
- 精神薄弱状态 State of weakness of mind
- 精神缺陷状态 State of weakness of mind
- 癫痫连续状态 Status epilepticus ; Epileptic state
- 重复言动,印板举动 Stereotypy
- 饰性重复言动性 Stereotypy
- 重复姿势,印板姿势 Stereotypy of attiude
- 重复运动,印板运动 Stereotypy of movement
- 瞎指,任意指点 Stereotypy of movement
- 僵凝,僵硬,强直 Stiffness
- 凝注力努勉 Strain of tenacity
- 番木鼈癖 Strychninomania ; Strychninism
- 享乐癖 Strychninomania ; Strychninism
- 木殭 Stupor
- 木殭性错乱 Stuporous alienation
- 木殭性忧郁病 Stuporous melancholia