- 精神病理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 饥饿 Fames ; Hunger
- 善饥,犬饥 Fames canina ; Bulimia ; Bulimiasis ; Cynorexia ; Dog-hunger
- 极度善饥,狼饥 Fames lupina ; Extreme bulimia ; Lycorexia ; Wolf-hunger
- 幻想性精神病 Fantastic insanity
- 疲倦 Fatigue
- 愚昧 Fatuity
- 恋物癖,片段恋癖 Fetishism ; Fetichism
- 恋衣癖 Fetishism for dressing
- 恋足癖 Fetishism for foot
- 恋发癖 Fetishism for hair
- 恋手癖 Fetishism for hand
- 恋肢体癖 Fetishism for part of body
- 恋鞋癖 Fetishism for shoes
- 恋物质癖 Fetishism for stuffs
- 狂躁发作 Fit of rang ; Fit of passion
- 固定观念,固定妄想 Fixed idea
- 蜡样屈曲症,蜡殭 Flexibilitas cerea
- 意想澎湃,意象奔放 Flight of ideas
- 强迫姿势 Forced attitude
- 强迫性幻觉 Forced hallucination
- 中枢性幻觉 Forced hallucination
- 强迫观念 Forced idea ; Obsession ; Phrenolepsia
- 强迫冲动 Forced impulse
- 愤怒暴发,暴怒 Frezy
- 摩擦欲,挨擦欲 Frottage
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