- 精神病理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 佚乐狂 Habromania
- 幻觉 Hallucination
- 统觉性幻觉,精神性幻觉,假幻觉,诱惑性妄觉 Hallucination due to apperecption ; Pseudohallucination
- 记忆幻觉,幻忆 Hallucination of memory
- 过失恐怖 Hamartophobia
- 破瓜期痴呆,青春期痴呆 Hebephrenia ; Paraphrenia hebetica ; Development insanity
- 音幻觉 Hebetudo auris ; diffcult of hearing ; Baryacusia ; Slight deafness
- 精神迟钝,感觉迟钝 Hebetudo sensuum ; Mental hebetude ; Stupidity ; Dullness of feeling
- 情感迟钝 Hebetudo sensuum ; Mental hebetude ; Stupidity ; Dullness of feeling
- 矛盾感觉,二重感觉 Hebetudo sensuum ; Mental hebetude ; Stupidity ; Dullness of feeling
- 视觉迟纯,钝视 Hebetudo visus
- 类破瓜期痴呆,类青春期痴呆 Heboidophrenia
- 快感,兴致 Hedonia
- 日光恐怖 Heliophobia
- 昼盲,夜视症 Hemeralopia ; Night vision ; Day-blindness ; Hemerotyphlosis
- 昼哑 Hemeraphonia
- 半人形妄想 Hemianthropia
- 半身厥恋癫痫,偏身癫痫 Hemiepilepsy
- 出血恐怖 Hemophobia ; Hemaphobia ; Hematophobia
- 遗传性精神病 Hereditary insanity
- 遗传性调节不能 Heredoataxia ; Hereitary ataxia
- 瞻礼恐怖,礼恐怖 Hierophobia
- 联想阻滞 Hindering of association
- 变马妄想 Hippanthropy
- 戏迷病 Histrionism
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