- 精神病理学专业词汇英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 意想统制 Ideodynamism ; Ideodynamismus ; Domination of an idea
- 意想混乱 Ideosynchysis
- 白痴,先天痴呆 Idiocy ; Idiotism ; Idiotcy ; Idiotry
- 特发性梦行症 Idiosomnambulism
- 幻像性错觉,魔像 Idolum
- 错觉 Illusion
- 统觉性错觉,假错觉,精神性错觉 Illusion due to apperception ; Pseudo-illusion ; Psychical
- 记错觉,错忆 Illusion of memory
- 妄觉 Illusionary perception
- 迟顿,痴愚 Imbecility
- 模仿性精神病 Imitative insanity
- 冲动 Impulsion ; Impulse
- 冲动性精神病 Impulsive insanity
- 饥饿谵妄 Inanition-delirium
- 忽略性错觉,不注意性错觉 Inattentive illusion
- 注意力增强 Increased attention
- 注意阻滞 Increased attention
- 注意变钝,注意钝化 Increased attention
- 女性梦魇 Incubus
- 感应性精神病 Induced insanity ; Communicated insanity
- 淫乐杀婴症 Infanticdum ; Infanticide
- 病初期谵妄 Initial delirium
- 内情生活,情感生活 Inner life ; Internal life ; Sentimentality
- 哺乳期经神病 Insanity during lactation
- 妊娠期精神病 Insanity of pregnancy
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