微生物恐怖 Microphobia视物显小症 Micropsia缓和性谵妄 Mild delirium表情,拟态 Mimics ; Mimicry精神(性)盲,意盲 Mind-blindness ; Psychic blindness ; Mental blindness ; Visual
ammnesia精神(性)聋,意聋 Mind-deafness ; Psychic deafiness ; Mental deafness ; Auditory
amnesia精神缺失 Mindlessness嫌男症 Misandry ; Hatred of males嫌妇症,嫌女症 Misandry ; Hatred of males嫌人症 Misanthropia ; Misanthropy误会,领会错误 Misapprehension嫌妆症,化妆嫌忌 Misocosmia嫌婚症,结婚嫌忌 Misogamia ; Hatred of marriage嫌论症,论理嫌忌,厌辩症 Misology ; Misologia嫌新思想症,新思想嫌忌 Misoneism ; Hatred of new ideas嫌子女症 Misopedia ; Hatred of child嫌服劳症,服春嫌忌 Misoponia嫌忌症 Misopsychia怀疑,不信 Mistrust幽会观窥欲,窥伺欲,窥淫狂 Mixoscopia ; Mixoscopy ; Voyeur记忆力薄弱 Mnemasthenia ; Memory weakness ; Lapsus memoriae传染恐怖 Molysmophobia蒙古种型(白痴),蒙古种状态 Mongolism ; Mongoloid idiocy ; Mongolian idiocy孤独意想 Monoideaism ; Monoideism单狂,偏癖 Monomania 语际翻译 版权所有
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