- 施工建筑专业英语词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 煤斗,铲子;收集器;吸入口 scoop
- 自流式凝汽器 scoop condenser
- 指示器,显示器,阴极射线管,观测设备,风斗,水斗;范围 scope
- 程序执行的调度控制 SCOPE (schedule control of program executive)
- 外围设备协调系统 SCOPE (system for coordination of peripheral equipment)
- 工业规模 scope and scale of industries
- 条[公]约的范围 scope of a convention
- 适应范围 scope of application
- 设计范围 scope of design
- 服务范围 scope of service
- 供应范围 scope of supply
- 工作范围 scope of work
- 焦土 scorched earth
- 刻痕;计算 score
- 炉渣,熔渣 scoria
- 划痕,刻痕;划线,分格 scoring
- 苏格兰式[船用]锅炉 Scotch boiler
- 斯克特接线法(把三相变为二相) Scott connection
- 斯克特连接绕组(把三相变为二相) Scott connection winding
- 擦掉,洗去;侵蚀(渣对炉衬的) scour
- 冲刷掉 scour off
- 防止冲刷 scour prevention
- 冲刷,洗净 scouring
- 冲刷 scouring abrasion
- 冲刷力 scouring force