C电池组,丙电池组,栅偏压电池组 C battery栅偏压,C偏压 C biasC形夹 C clamp电容表 C meterC型显示器,方位角-仰角显示器 C scope电容调谐 C tuning通信及控制 C&C (communication and control)碳-14测量室 C-14 measuring chamber栅偏压检波器 C-bias detectorC级绝缘 C-class insulationC形铁心 C-coreC型显象管,距离方位显示器 C-displayC-电离层 c-layer伏安特性[曲线] C-V characteristic电容-电压曲线 C-V curve (capacitance-voltage curve)电容-电压测量 C-V measurement丙线,C线 C-wire成本加运费价格,到岸价格 C.F. (cost and freight)商业运行 C.O. (commercial operation)燃料冷却 C.O.F. (Cooling of Fuel)放射性物质密封 C.R.M (confinement of radioactive materials)反应堆功率控制 C.R.P (control of reactor power)循环水,一次冷却水 C.W. (circulation water)循环水,一次冷却水 c.w. (circulation water)保险证明书 C/I (certificate of insurance)语际翻译 版权所有
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