- 施工建筑专业英语词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 1,2-二氯乙烷[ClCH2CH2Cl] 1,2-dichloroethane
- 1,3-二苯基硫脲[C13H12NS2] 1,3-diphenylthiourea
- 2,2-联吡啶[(C5H4N)2] 2,2-dipyridyl
- 2,4-二氯酚[Cl2C6H3OH] 2,4-dichlorophenol
- 2,4-二甲基吡啶[C5H3N(CH3)2] 2,4-dimethyl pyridine(2,4-lutidine)
- 辐照后30天的死亡率 30-day lethality
- 三根线的三度重合 3D3W three dimensional three wire
- 四根线的三度重合 3D4W three dimensional four wire
- 三次扩散射极跟随器逻辑[电路]defluidization流态化作用停滞 3DEFL (triple diffused emitter-follower logic)
- 变形 d (deformation)
- 度,等级 d (degree)
- 流量 d (delivery)
- D形导线双芯电缆,半圆导线双芯电缆 D cable
- D-显示 D display
- D触发器,延迟触发器 D flip-flop
- 重水分离器 D O separator
- D值(吸收剂量) D value
- 去污和退役 D&D (decontamination and decommissioning)
- 去污和处置 D&D (decontamination and disposal)
- 达松伐尔电流计 d'Arsonval galvanometer
- 数-模,数字-模拟 D-A (digital-analog)
- 数字-模拟转换器 D-A converter
- d轴,直轴,纵轴 d-axis
- d轴电抗,直轴电抗 d-axis reactance
- D棒组,多普勒棒组 D-bank (Doppler bank)
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