- 施工建筑专业英语词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 只发送 S/O (send only)
- 去掉符号 S/OFF (sign-off)
- 加上符号 S/ON (sign-on)
- 自动的 SA (self-acting)
- 半自动的 SA (semi-automatic)
- 读出放大器 SA (sense amplifier)
- 伺服放大器 SA (servo amplifier)
- 标准大气压 SA (standard atmosphere)
- 进汽阀 SA (steam admission valve)
- 系统分析 SA (system analysis)
- 表面活性剂 SAA (surface-active agent)
- 萨巴罗夫电路(一种晶体振荡电路) Sabaroff circuit
- 半自动化编码 SAC (semi-automatic coding)
- 源辅助转换(反应)堆 SAC (Source Assisted Fission Converter)
- 存储存取控制 SAC (storage access control)
- 存储和清除 SAC (store and clear)
- 糖化作用 saccharification
- 蔗糖 saccharose
- 半自动检查装置 SACE (semi-automatic checkout equipment)
- 萨克申-沃克补偿电动机 Sacksen-Werke type compensated motor
- 选择地址及对比操作 SACO (select address and contract operate)
- 牺牲阳极 sacrificial anode
- 系统分配文件 SAD (system allocation document)
- 固态模[拟]-数[字]计算机 SADC (solid-state analog-to-digital computer)
- 鞍座,支座,阀座,座板,滑动座板 saddle