- 市场学专业英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 永续盘存制 Perpetual inventory system
- 员工导向 Person-oriented
- 个人消费支出 Personal consumption spending
- 个人资料表 Personal data sheet (resume)
- 个人可支配所得 Personal disposable income
- 个人目标之设定 Personal goalsetting
- 个人履历史分析 Personal history analysis
- 人员访问法 Personal interview method
- 人员推销 Personal selling
- 性格与被说服性 Personality and persuasibility
- 人格化购物者 Personalizing shoppers
- 说服性之沟通 Persuasive communication
- 悲观性再订货策略 Pessimistic reorder strategy
- 生理与心理之 Physical and
- 实体分配 Physical distribution
- 实体分配策略 Physical distribution strategy
- 实体环境 Physical environment
- 生理反应技术 Physiological reaction technique
- 前导测试 Pilot test
- 开拓性广告 Pioneering advertising
- 开拓阶段 Pioneering stage
- 计昼测试 Plan testing
- 设计之陈废 Planned obsolescence
- 计昼之购物中心心 Planned shopping center
- 计昼与预测 Planning and forecasting